Tuesday, September 28, 2010

For Every Book I Read, I Add Another 3 to My List

'Once and Future King' is finished, closed, done and dusted! And now, naturally, I need to know more about King Arthur, Camelot, the Knights of the Round table (or as my daughter calls them, the 'noses lala table'), Lancelot, Guenever, etc. Whilst the book was a wonderful read it has unfortunately ignited a latent passion for historical-cum-fantasy fiction in the literary heart of yours truly, forgotten since I last read Homer's 'The Iliad' or 'The Odyssey'. Although a story which seems familiar, with familiar characters and a generally well known plot may seem as exciting as watching paint dry, just flesh out the characters, breathe life into the setting and fill in the sketchy details with twists and turns and suprises, and voila! CAPTIVATING! 

So what am I reading now? 'The Eyre Affair' (Jasper Fford) and 'Chasing Harry Winston' (Lauren Weisberger). Hmm. The former is witty, engaging reading, and the latter is trite, predictable fairy-floss type fare (but still fun!) and I am yearning to get back to Camelot and find out what happened to the main characters, why, when, where, how?!?!? For now, it seems, I must bid a fond adieu to the chivalrous King Arthur and pursue other novels for my enjoyment, but it will not be long before I return to Camelot (read: this is a warning to any disinterested parties) nor will it be long 'til the review for 'Once and Future King' is posted. I can't wait. In the meantime though, if at all possible, YOU REALLY SHOULD READ IT. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. YAY, a book you really like! YAY! And E. is so darn cute. :)
