Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2011!!!!!
The silly season has come and gone in a flurry of food and festivities and now that I've had a chance to catch my breath, I have realised how long it's been since I last posted anything. Now, admittedly, I wasn't too worried about my extended absence, assuming that not only was everyone likely to be as busy (if not more so) as I have been, and also assuming that no-one was really reading my ramblings.
However, Bethany has just told me off for not blogging sooner, and so here I am!
The New Year has me stuck in a literary rut. I have been reading and re-reading the Harry Potter books on and off, same for the Twilight series, and the Lord of the Rings; all of which require little to no brain power. I blame Christmas food. Too much cooking rich food, baking sugary food and of course eating rich and sugary food have reduced my brilliant (*bah!*) mind to sludge and I am unable to comprehend anything beyond what I...have Huh? What I mean is, unless I already know what's going to happen in a book, and unless the longest words I have to read only have three syllables, I am not interested. 
Sadly, I have actually been given book vouchers for Chrissy - my favourite gift (aside from jewellery) - but I refuse to use them. At this point I simply do not trust myself at book shops. I am worried that I may spend my beloved book-bucks stocking up on recipe books and toddler tales. Yup. Donna Hay and  Dr. Seuss are singing their siren songs to lure me away from Edith Wharton and E.M. Forster, AND IT'S WORKING! Equally alarming is the fact that I was contemplating buying an E-Reader thingy. Oh, the shame! What is happening to me? I feel like the dumbening has begun (sound ominous music here). Ooooh, wait, I used 'ominous', that has to be a good....happy.....undumb....thing. Oh dear. 
**See, Bethany? There was a good reason I hadn't blogged in a while! ;>


  1. Lol. You're funny Lauz. Hopefully once everything has calmed down and all of the sugar is out of your system you will feel like reading real books again. I believe in you!! And I shall await your next post with anticipation. And of course I'm also hanging out to hear more about this book you supposedly starting writing a while back... :)

  2. Garry here, and still can't get anything other than ananymouse. I think it's my end not yours, though.Anyway...
    Yay! Another post. Thanks for prodding her Bethany. Also what did happen to this fantasy book you were starting? Did that end up getting off the ground?
    I look forward to see where you go in literature next.
    - Oh, and if you want to ease your brain back into thinking may I suggest the 'Thursday Next' books by Jasper Fforde (yeah, here I go again). Fun and clever/witty.
