Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Challenge

Well, this may be Day One in the blogosphere, but it's about 6-7 years into this challenge for me personally, and progress is sporadic. Particularly since my daughter E. was born. Parenthood (in the early years at least) seems to be incompatible with voracious reading.
Also, friends have introduced me to new books/series, which has sent me

off on a tangent (bye bye Literature, we'll see each other soon. Hellooooo fantasy!). Most notable, have been the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks (thanks Michael S.) and, sadly, the Twilight saga. Before you say anything, I know, I know, I'm a Twihard. It's a little sad...but I really enjoyed it!
On my bedside table at the moment is Raymond Feist's 'Magician' which I'm re-reading for the thousandth time, really! Okay, not really, but it feels like it. Keeping my tattered copy of 'Magician' company is 'The Lovely Bones' by Alice Sebold, and 'Assasin's Apprentice' by Robin Hobb, both of which are competing for my attention once E. is asleep. I'll reserve judgment on these two until I'm done, but they've certainly got my interest piqued.
I will work on uploading a copy of my booklist, so you can add to it (just don't tell my husband!) or critique it. Reviews of books I have devoured during this challenge are also in the pipeworks, but for now, goodnight, and happy reading!

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