Tuesday, June 22, 2010


So far, I've received four of my books from bookdepository.co.uk, and have been able to exercise restraint...for three of them. I may have begun reading T.S White's 'The Once and Future King', and I may be slightly addicted to it after 50 or so pages of skimming (read: proper reading).

Recounting the tale of King Arthur, Queen Guinevere (Guenever), Camelot, and Merlin (Merlyn), this novel is already spellbinding - excuse the pun - and bears more resemblance to Disney's 'The Sword In the Stone' than to the TV series Merlin, thank God! No B-grade special effects, wooden acting, or storylines that repeat the same story, repeat the same story, repeat the same story. The characters are engaging, the story moves quickly, and White's depiction of a mythological early England makes you wish that it was actually real.
I haven't been this excited about a book since 'The Lord of the Rings' (my first introduction to fantasy), and I'm drooling at the prospect of reading more, but I still have to finish 'The Lovely Bones', and 'Assassin's Apprentice'. Um... and... I may have also started reading Terry Pratchett's 'Men At Arms' and Jonathan Swift's 'Gulliver's Travels'. Maybe. *Ahem* Next on the list will be Revolutionary Road, as per the poll. Thank you to those who voted, this will be a meaty one to sink my proverbial teeth into. Once I manage to focus on finishing the two books I started with ('Magician' was a re-read, and therefore doesn't count), Revolutionary Road will warm the then vacant spot on my bedside table. Promise. 'The Once and Future King' might keep it company though...

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