Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Drumroll please.....I've finished Revolutionary Road! I've been emancipated from the self-absorption of the Wheeler family, and I'm ready to review it. One problem. My grand plan for this blog was to have a page ('Read, Reviewed and Rated') where I posted my reviews. Ideally, it was to have a list of titles which could be selected when you wanted to read the full review. My problem? I have no idea how to do this. Google is no help, nor is the blogger help page, so I beseech you - O mighty computer-literate people - tell me how! Or, any suggestions on how else I could post multiple reviews? Help me, help me! - L 

Ahem...Thank you to Nicki for her sage advice, which worked! See comments below. Thanks again Nicki, crisis averted!


  1. I don't think Blogger really allows for it the way you had in mind. But off the top of my head (bear with me, remembering that I have baby brain as a write this) I'm thinking that you could having a growing list of the books that you have reviewed on the 'read, reviewed & rated' page then when you post your review on this main page you can create a link to the post on the other page. So when someone clicks on the title that you have listed on the 'read, reviewed & rated' page they have taken to the appropriate post which you would have put on this page at some time. I've found that his main page is the only one that you can put individual posts on, the other pages tend to remain the same. Hope that makes sense, I may need to show you what i mean sometime.

  2. Ah! I understand, or at least I think I do. Lemme see if I can wrangle it. Thank you, thank you! - L
