Friday, July 9, 2010

Revolutionary Road, done and dusted

As you can see below, the review for Revolutionary Road is up. I had a bit more trouble writing this review than I did with 'The Lovely Bones', because I feel so conflicted about the book. In terms of how it is written, it's enough to make me drooool, but the storyline (although good) is not compelling. So I've actually rated it on those two separate categories : literary content and story. I hope you enjoy the review!
Got the Robin Hobb's review of 'Assassin's Apprentice' coming along, and then I'll review 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens. Incidentally, I'm now reading the second of Hobb's Farseer trilogy, 'Royal Assassin' and the second instalment of George R. Martin's series A Song of Ice and Fire, called 'Clash of Kings'. Please vote on the poll for the next literature book to tackle, or I'll just do a blind pick (ie: eeni meeni myni mo)! -L

1 comment:

  1. I think you did really well to get through this one, your review gave me a real incite in to the book and although it is a literary masterpiece it is a book I would not read as the story sounds like one i would not enjoy and find hard to get in to. Great job on the review though, i look forward to reading your next one. BJ
