Saturday, July 31, 2010

Printed books, wherefore art thou?

ARRRGH! Book lovers, to arms! Kindle and its kin are taking over the universe! Well, okay, maybe not. But it's just a matter of time before the practical appeal of e-book readers conquers the romantic notions of the printed word. 
So what if an e-book saves space? I love bookshelves crammed with tomes. So what if they'll save us heaps of money when, for example, we travel to Tasmania to buy vintage volumes by the dozen and have to spend almost as much money shipping them back home to Victoria (hypothetically speaking, of course)? I don't care if downloading books onto an e-reader spares me the expense of shipping, or worse, the extra baggage fee at the airport. So what if you can download thousands of out-of-print books for free? I'm sure buying and shipping the book itself wouldn't be that expensive...hmm. And so what if it saves the trees from being cut down to make paper to print books? What have trees ever done for us? Except, you know, give us oxygen and wood and shade...totally beside the point!
The point is,

I don't just love reading, I LOVE BOOKS. The smell of them, the feel of the pages, the satisfaction of seeing your mounting progress through a scarily thick one, the sense of accomplishment when you turn that final page, the beauty of books grouped on shelves, the whole notion of curling up beside the fire on a cold day with a cuppa and a good book....*sigh*. What replacement does e-book offer for that? The smell of yet another superfluous electronic device? The simulation of pages flicking through your fingers on yet another electronic device? The beauty of another electronic device to plug in at night? Curling up beside the fire with a cuppa and an e-reader? Blasphemy against nature! I'm pretty sure the planet would prefer that we cut down trees to make books than use more resources to make, ship and recharge another stupid electronic device. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. 
What do you make of this phenomenon? And don't be fooled, I'm totally neutral on the subject (pfft!) and willing to hear all views (even if you're wrong). By the way, if anyone has an e-book and is looking to offload their stash of actual books, I'm sure I'll be able to find them a good home; in front of a fireplace with a cuppa and me. 


  1. You really need to change your font colour... it hurtses my eyeses.

    I have considered every once and a while looking at a Kindle or similar... but I tend to agree with you. Pages aren't something to be digitised.

  2. Ok, I'll revamp the blog, no blue/yellow/white font for you, and no little tiny writing for Bethany.

  3. Yes, the new look does look good! Like it! Also like books! Rather, I love books! They smell goodly... I can't get into digital readings anywhere near as much as I can get immersed into books. Books are the awesome. :)
